Soushi Miketsukami

Posted by : Tania
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Soushi Miketsukami (御狐神双熾 Miketsukami Sōshi) is the nine tailed spirit fox and is also of mixed blood (youkai and human) like the other members of SS, but he is the most powerful one. Soushi is usually calm, polite, and gentle to everyone, but has a soft spot for Ririchiyo Shirakiin (his partner). He blindly obeys her like a "dog" and always tries to protect her, even if his own life is at risk. He used to serve Kagerou Shoukin.

Soushi before Ririchiyo was a decietful person, that put up a disguise to play with women. He was cold inside. After he started to write letters to her, pretending to be Kagerou, he found that he was changing, and becoming kinder. Soushi is a calm, level-headed person. He is sweet and caring, especially towards Ririchiyo. He is completely loyal to her and does not hesitate to protect if her life is in danger, even if it means risking his own.


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